
Showing posts from August, 2023

08-31-2023+Day 22 again Tai Chi

 Today's Journey plus 3km walk:  Cardio posted late:  My Steps: My Extra Steps: Day 23 of 30 Connection:  20 min 5lb Pesa: 

08-30-2023+Day 22 Tai Chi

Today's Adventures: My 3 mile was late posting: My Steps: My Extra Steps: Day 22 of 30 Compassion:   "Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.— Dalai Lama" 22 minute with 5lb pesa:

08-29-2023+Day 21 Tai Chi

 3km grocery haul plus these experts routines: The above cardio was 125min however the routine started at 12min and ended 106min. I posted this above routine a day late. My Steps: My Extra Steps: Day 21 of 30 Wisdom: "Wisdom is Liberation.” ― Israelmore Ayivor Completed a day late 20minute with 5lbs:

08-28-2023+Day 20 Tai Chi

 Today's Journey+3km walk:  My Steps: My Extra Steps: Day 20 of 30 Serenity:  We are taught, " As the mind becomes calm and concentrated over time, we are able to experience more joy and bliss. We are able to let go of thoughts and feelings that keep us trapped in suffering.   We learn to slow down and notice when things arise that are no longer serving us. S erenity helps us to be present and to realize the power that we truly have deep inside.  As Liz Arch said, “You are worthy. You are not broken; you are, in fact, beautifully whole. No matter what you’ve been through, you have the power to write a brave, new ending. It will take work. It will take courage. But healing is possible, and the gift of your trauma is that it creates resiliency and reveals your strength.” 21 minutes of the second portion of this video completed: 

08-27-2023+Day 19 Tai Chi

 Today we went to krispy creme for a pumpkin spice doughnut so that was 3km along with these workouts:  My Steps Video: My Extra Steps: Day 19 of 30 Inner Mastery: We are informed, "We simply show up and pay attention to what is happening in our experience. By slowing down, we are able to see more clearly. We can then start to make choices that create less suffering for ourselves and others.   This is the path to inner mastery.   “How we pay attention to the present moment largely determines the character of our experience, and therefore, the quality of our lives.” – Sam Harris" Visited and found on his page this expression:  NO MÁS EXCUSAS.     Únete al reto de Fausto Murillo  which is Spanish for No More Excuses. Join the challenge, Fausto Murillo. I clicked on the  Entrenamiento option which means training and discovered this video:  It is a 36 minute video so today I did 15 minutes.  A gentle reminder why one should strength train from this vide